Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Thanksgiving, Christmas, January, February & March

We've been busy busy busy! As you can tell I haven't had a chance to update until now. After Brooke's first birthday party we were slammed.

First came Thanksgiving! That was a blast we had a chance to eat a few great meals, and spend time with family. Although November was only a few months ago it already seems like ages; so much has happened.

December was just as busy as November, with Christmas, Circus shows and New Years Eve, we were all around all the time. Shopping, baking, and keeping everything going!

January came and went; We brought in the New Year at Desoto Super Speedway- watching Rick and the boys crash and bash their cars! We closed the month with my birthday turning 24. Actually on my birthday I had a great present. We found out I am going to have another baby! I find out in a month or so what our newest addition will be. We are so excited to be a family of four!

February brings us to our very first wedding anniversary on the 2nd! We had a chance to go out and celebrate which was nice.

March was filled with laughter as Brooke is learning so much and using all her new skills in ways never imagined! Towards the end of the month, Circus celebrated its 60th year anniversary! What a blast. We took a show off the list to have a celebration, extravaganza, party and show. It was an honor to be apart of the 60 years dating back to 1949. Richard was the Ring Master for the performance, and had a chance to work with his coaches when he was in circus- to put on a clown skit. Everyone had a blast and did a fabulous job!

Can you believe its April? Easter is this weekend and with the school year winding down, I have a chance to keep the blog going! Thanks for your interest, and new pictures to follow.