Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Brooke in August!

Three more months and we will be having our first birthday celebration for Miss. Brooke! I better start planning something.

New in the groove. We have four teeth! Two on top, and two on bottom! And I am proud to announce newly pierced ears. New milestones each day.

What is this little miss eating these days you may wonder? Well anything you put on her tray! Pretty soon we are going to sign her up for FAA. Food Anonymous Addiction classes. All joking aside though, she eats well and this morning going in her room to wake her up, she was more then half of her crib mattress. I was shocked.

Some August bath time pictures.

Play time while Mom cleans the floors!

Hot in August

Rick's birthday came and gone. We had a birthday bash earlier this month. Everything was way fun, and it was nice to celebrate a new year.

Can you believe it has been 8.5 weeks since I started school? It is going by fast, but you'll know how school is, not fast enough. I am getting As in both my classes. I have one more week and I will start another block of two classes. I am really excited for the end result.